if you asked me ten years ago what i wanted to be, i would without question say: a writer.
since then, it's been modified, tweaked, and pretty much abandoned.and with that abandonment, a part of me kind of died.
so, this blog is my attempt at resurrecting, so-to-speak, my fallen aspiration. once a week, or so, as a sort of self-induced homework assignment i'll write something relatively "creative."
will it be a breath of life into the deadness that has consumed the half of my heart that thrived on the creative outlet of the written word?
prove once and for all that part of me is absolutely dead, and that i've been reduced to what my legal profession has left me with?
Do you even see me when I look at you? Do you even know who I am? Glistening track marks are hidden away And behind these hoops of expectation I'm going to absolute shit behind these emotionless eyes When you're gone it's easy to play the part When you stand before me Oogle and forget to adore me When your harshness runs like daggers from your mouth I have nowhere to run I have nowhere to hide I have nothing more than You Your critique My failure All peering upon me with chagrin I'm the personification of disappointment Reflected in eyes that cast shadows down upon me Blame never falls far from the suicidal You can only grab so much before it's simply plain to see One of these things is not like the other One of these things will never belong I'm that thing that is nothing like others I'm that thing that cannot ever belong Begging for forgiveness Trying to adapt Trying to play along None of it the answer, I know Acceptance with minimal slander That's the answer The solution I need Nothing is ever freely given, I know So please Just know While you selfishly paramter your own existence While you purport to have finally opened your eyes While you allege to know and understand what is important It's all a codification of the hurt It's a declaration that what's important will never be me O-well That me has long since expired