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A tear shatters the silent face
That seeks solace in this deserted place.
Wind whispers through the willow's leaves,
And Owl, perched high, silently grieves.
The glow from city lights afar
Swallow whole a falling star.
A wish upon the trembling lips
For peace. A raven gently sips
The water near his honored guest,
But soon flies to his hidden nest.
Weary beneath the flowing cloak,
The traveler rests against an oak
And fights the lure of heavenly sleep
-"I pray the Lord my soul to keep..."
Forever lost, each journey taken
Plagues the mind; the nights awaken
Troubled visions, thoughts of yesterdays,
That seem like beacons - lives away.
Random comforts cannot ease this soul,
For knowledge takes its weary toll
'Pon one who suffers with each breath,
Who slept once in peace, then awoke in death.
Was it merely my spoken words that stole
My life from me?
With out its guiding meter, life slowly stumbles
From moment to moment
Without reason or intent.
Under the pain of the unforgettable,
I return to my reigning seat and grab the lie before me
Smashing it into a million pieces adding up to seven.
And what is time, when seconds feel as days, and minutes an eternity?
Years are unfathomable, let alone desired
But ruling reflections must end when dreams are devoured
By their own arrogant intent.
And now I wait for the calling of eternity,
Slowly working upon the painting before me
Perhaps not as true as the mirror's work
The image before me, more natural
Embodies the regrets of how I should have been.
I sit here waiting, reflecting the work before me
Hoping the moment my life gently returns
Upon times soundless breath,
Our kingdom will always be.